KwaZulu Natal uMhlanga
Adopt Chocolate Yorkie City
City is a 3 year old male Chocolate Yorkshire Terrier, who will lick you to death in his excitement and love for his human. He is a very playful and loving Yorkie boy.
City is excellent with children, and will happily pretend to be their teddy bear, and enjoy all the attention and hugs.
He gets along well with other dogs. Unsure how he will react to cats. At times he does feel anxious and might want crawl under the couch for safety. He needs training to walk on leash, as he will bite the lead in his anxiety.
He also loves to be around men.
He can be adopted together with Solo a 6 year old male Maltese. Read more Here
Apply to Adopt HERE
South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue
SA Yorkie Rescue Team
Call / WhatsApp: 071 489 2917
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